20+ Years Experience

Specialist Private Drug Rehab


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At Private Drug Rehab, we are a UK-based facility dedicated to providing comprehensive and confidential drug rehabilitation services. We understand the importance of trust and quality in addiction treatment, which is why we proudly hold accreditations and certifications from reputable organisations.

These accreditations reflect our commitment to delivering safe, effective, and compassionate care to our clients.

Care Quality Commission (CQC) Accreditation

Private Drug Rehab is honoured to be accredited by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the foremost regulatory body for healthcare providers in the United Kingdom. Our CQC accreditation signifies our dedication to meeting and surpassing rigorous standards of quality and safety in addiction treatment. This recognition ensures that our clients receive care of the highest standard in a secure and supportive environment.

Why Our CQC Accreditation Matters

Our CQC accreditation is a cornerstone of our commitment to excellence in drug rehabilitation. It is significant because it:

Our Ongoing Commitment

While our CQC accreditation is a testament to our dedication to excellence, we also take pride in other aspects of our services, including:

  1. Experienced and Compassionate Staff: Our team consists of experienced addiction specialists who are passionate about helping clients on their journey to recovery.
  2. Personalised Treatment Plans: We tailor our treatment programs to each client’s unique needs, addressing both physical and psychological aspects of addiction.
  3. Privacy and Confidentiality: We understand the sensitive nature of addiction treatment and maintain strict confidentiality throughout the rehabilitation process.
  4. Aftercare Support: Our commitment to clients extends beyond their time in our facility, with ongoing support and resources to help maintain long-term sobriety.

At Private Drug Rehab, our goal is to provide unparalleled drug rehabilitation services in the UK, and our accreditations reflect our unwavering commitment to achieving this goal. We are dedicated to helping individuals overcome addiction and regain control of their lives through evidence-based, compassionate care.

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