20+ Years Experience

Specialist Private Drug Rehab


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What types of addiction do you treat at Private Drug Rehab?

Private Drug Rehab provides comprehensive treatment for various types of addiction, including but not limited to alcohol addiction, drug addiction (both illicit and prescription drugs), opioid addiction, cocaine addiction, and benzodiazepine addiction.

What treatment programs do you offer?

We offer a range of treatment programs tailored to individual needs, including residential/inpatient programs, outpatient programs, intensive outpatient programs (IOP), detoxification programs, and aftercare programs.

Our programs are designed to provide comprehensive and personalized care to support each individual’s recovery journey.

How long is the treatment program?

The duration of our treatment programs can vary depending on the individual’s needs and progress.

Our residential/inpatient programs typically range from 30 to 90 days, while outpatient programs and aftercare programs may have longer or shorter durations. The length of the program will be determined during the initial assessment and may be adjusted as needed throughout the treatment process.

What is the cost of treatment at Private Drug Rehab?

The cost of treatment can vary depending on the specific program, duration, and level of care required. We recommend contacting our admissions team directly for detailed information regarding costs, insurance coverage, and available financing options. We strive to work with individuals to find the most suitable and affordable treatment plan.

Is your facility licensed and accredited?

Private Drug Rehab is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and safety. Our facility is licensed and accredited by relevant authorities, ensuring that we meet or exceed the established guidelines for addiction treatment.

What qualifications do your staff members have?

Our staff members consist of highly qualified and experienced professionals in the field of addiction treatment.

We have a multidisciplinary team that includes addiction specialists, therapists, counsellors, medical professionals, and support staff. Our team members possess the necessary certifications, licenses, and credentials required to provide effective and compassionate care.

Is my privacy protected during treatment?

At Private Drug Rehab, we prioritize your privacy and confidentiality. We adhere to strict privacy laws and regulations, and all information shared with our team is kept confidential within legal boundaries. We maintain a secure and confidential environment to ensure your privacy and peace of mind throughout the treatment process.

Do you offer aftercare support?

We understand that the transition from treatment to daily life is a critical phase of recovery.

We offer comprehensive aftercare support, including ongoing counselling, support groups, relapse prevention strategies, and access to community resources. Our goal is to provide ongoing support and guidance to help individuals maintain their sobriety and achieve long-term success.

Can I involve my family in the treatment process?

We encourage family involvement in the treatment process, as family support plays a crucial role in long-term recovery. We offer family therapy sessions, educational workshops, and resources to help families better understand addiction and support their loved ones throughout the recovery journey.

If you have any additional questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. Our compassionate team is here to assist you and provide the necessary support to help you or your loved one find healing and lasting recovery.

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